Over 1325 teachers and headteachers from Brass and Ekeremor local government areas are set for career upliftment as they commence their BayelsaPRIME Induction Training in Yenagoa.  Over 950 from southern Ijaw and Nembe will commence their training on 23, August 2023.

BayelsaPRIME is the state government’s basic education reform programme designed to improve the quality of education delivered to children in public primary schools and by extension, learning outcomes in the state.

An estimated 51,000 children in the four local government areas are expected to benefit from the reform programme which has seen the introduction of a new learning methodology in the public primary school system.  

“This is a unique professional development opportunity for teachers that have been invited here for this historical training. At the end of the process, these teachers will have the capacity to deliver classes using a modern approach. Also, more children will be lifted from learning poverty across our state,” the commissioner for Education, Dr. Gentle Emelah said.

Teachers at the training are being taught new methods of teaching and learning, how to use technology to deliver impactful lessons, modern classroom management techniques, child protection techniques and many other skills relevant to the 21st Century classroom.

They are also being equipped with teacher-tablets, smartphones and other gadgets to improve teaching to enable them manage their classrooms and schools more efficiently.  

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