
National Fire Safety Summit Ignites Crucial Dialogues on Disaster Preparedness in Abuja


…..Critical Stakeholders Lead Initiative to Promote Safety Consciousness Among Nigerians



In a concerted effort to enhance safety consciousness and disaster preparedness among Nigerians, the National Fire Safety Summit was held on Wednesday, December 13, 2023, in Abuja. Organized by Unander Nigeria Limited, a leading fire and safety services consultancy, in collaboration with PR Times Africa, a leading African media group. The summit gathered a distinguished cast of partners and participants, including the Federal Fire Service, Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), Abuja Electricity Distribution Company (AEDC), Nigerian Red Cross Society, Nigerian Institute of Town Planners (NITP), and the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC).

The summit served as a platform for stakeholders in disaster management and the general public to discuss and strategize on collaborative efforts to prevent and effectively manage fire disasters across the nation. Participants emphasized the crucial role of cooperation among all stakeholders in achieving this goal.

One of the pressing issues highlighted during the summit was the removal of fire hydrants from streets and neighborhoods in major cities across the country. Representatives of the Commandant General of the Federal Fire Service expressed their concerns, noting that this removal impedes their ability to carry out their duties efficiently. The limited water capacity in their trucks, lasting only a few minutes, necessitates frequent returns to offices for refills, hampering the swift response required during emergencies.

In response to these challenges, the organizers announced plans for an extensive post-summit public enlightenment campaign. The campaign will encompass fire safety drills in public spaces, first aid training sessions, social media campaigns, and school and community outreaches. These initiatives aim to disseminate the strategic insights gleaned from the summit’s discussions among participants and experts.

The National Fire Safety Summit represents a significant step towards building a safer and more resilient Nigeria. The collaboration among key stakeholders underscores the shared commitment to safeguarding lives, property, and communities from the devastating impact of fire disasters. As the summit concludes, the focus shifts towards implementing actionable strategies and fostering a culture of safety nationwide.

Stay tuned for updates on the forthcoming public enlightenment campaign and initiatives aimed at ensuring a safer Nigeria.


Hi, I’m bayelsafreepress

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